Everyone breathes. Stop and think about that for a moment. Every human being - all 8,025,000,000 people - are inhaling and exhaling the same one air. Included the animals - all 20,000,000,000,000,000,000 (20 quintillion) of them - and see that we are all constantly taking in and giving back air from our atmosphere. What if you could zoom out, hover above the planet, and see this in action? Imagine...here's a video to help you:
While we all breathe, how we take in and give out air differs among individuals. My habit, for example, is to take short breaths from my lungs - a style of breathing common for people whose habit is to hurry and worry their way through life. Once I became aware of my short and shallow breathing, I consciously made an effort to take deep breaths from my abdomen - a style of breathing common for people whose habit is to be patient and confident.
As I inhale I imagine the breath traveling around the circumference of my waist before moving it through my diaphragm and into my lungs. I exhale, imagining this flow in reverse, deflating my lungs, moving down through my diaphragm and around my abdomen. To keey mind busy as I consciously breathe this way, I like to imagine myself on a journey as shown in the video above. Lying on the floor of my living room, I float through the ceiling and look down on the roof of my house, and then from above the trees over this acreages. As my view expands, I imagine my neighbors just living thier lives, breathing in and breathing out. I eventually extend this to include all of humanity and the animal kingdom as the Earth spins.