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Writer's pictureLori Keleher

the Present

Do you know what time it is? I do. It's Now! It's always Now! There's only Now - the past is gone, the future is not yet.

We can keep the past alive by thinking about it and emoting over it. Sometimes I want to do this, as when I enjoy reliving the good times. Sometimes I need to bring the past into my present, like when I am processing a traumatic experience. The key is not to stay there. In the Apple TV show Shrinking I learned a technique to keep the past in check and I use it whenever I find myself living in the past. I set a timer and allow myself a few minutes, never more than 15, to sit and fully focus on that past time or event. Once that period of enjoyment or bereavement or whatever it may be is over, I return to the Present and no longer allow the thoughts and the emotions of the past to consume me. The key is to "sit and fully focus". We have to slow down long enough and give ourselves time and space to do this. I have to make it a priority in my often too-busy lives.

We tend to allow the future to consume us as well. We plan. We prepare. We worry. These are just a few ways our focus can be taken out of the Present. I am a mom of teenage twins and a classroom teacher. I could spend the majority of each day planning and preparing. And for many years, it seems that's all I did! And in doing so, all I experienced was hurry, worry, and stress. Since then, I have learned to stay present in those processes - slowing down, enjoying them, not hurrying through them and not worrying about them. That which truly needs to get done will get done and that which doesn't simply won't. I have relinquished control of my to do list, and instead, trust my inner vision to guide me in discerning the difference between what is necessary and what is not, what is important and what is not. The key is to "trust my inner vision." We often let habits or expectations dictate our day. I now choose to create my day, relying on my inner vision to make it as wonderful as possible

What exactly is inner vision? Google's AI Overview says, "Inner vision is the ability to see beyond the physical word and gain a deeper understanding of intuition and insight. It's sometimes called the sixth sense and is considered a real and practical tool that can be accessed by everyone." For me, it is intuition, insight, as described above, but it's also a constant companion, who is a kind guide and a loving presence.

How do I use inner vision to create my day? Although I have come along way in relinquishing control and letting go of habits and expectations, I still need some structure to my every day. For me, it comes down to priorities. Foundationally, ground zero, I have to take care of myself. For me this includes meditating, journaling, grounding, exercising and eating well. Number one, always has been and always will be, is my children and grandchildren. Their needs...their requests...their events... our snap streaks... our game nights... being an integral part of their lives brings my deep joy - even on the hard days. I, number one, am a mother. Number two, I am a teacher. This takes many forms in my life. My work for Transform Your Classroom, Transform Your World, and the schools in which I am employed - my commitments to these come next. Number three, I am a student. Not only am I currently a student in Waldorf University's M.Ed. program, I am always a student of life. The world is truly a giant classroom. Within this structure, I have many choices which makes each day unique!

If you got this far in my blog post, thank you for reading and allowing me to share a piece of my soulful journey with you. I hope it helps you fully enjoy the Present!

May I stay present and use my inner vision to navigate both my outer & inner landscape.

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